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XNurbs Rhino Plugin (for Windows)

XNurbs Rhino Plugin for Rhino 8 (English version. 90 MB. Work with Rhino 8 SR14 or later. If xNURBS toolbar does not show automatically, you can manually add it to Rhino: Start Rhino 8, navigate to Tools > Options. Navigate to the Toolbars page under “Rhino Options”. Then open “XNurbsRhino8.rui”, which is installed as a part of xNURBS rhi file.)

V7.0.0.9 is the latest version. Here is “What’s New”.

To download German, please visit (i.e., FILOU Software GmbH – our German reseller)

To download 日本語, please visit ディプロス株式会社 (our Japanese reseller)

To download 繁体中文, please visit 曲面實業

To download 简体中文, please visit xNURBS中国官网

To manually install XNurbs to a folder you specify, you can rename the downloaded file extension from .rhi to .zip, and unzip it to the folder you specify – then refer to “Enabling the XNurbs Plugin” in the manual.

By double clicking the rhi file, Rhino should automatically install and enable the plugin. After running the rhi file, you need go to the installation folder and open “XNurbsHelp.chm”, which provides the detailed instruction for using the plugin (Run Rhino, then Tools > Options > Plug-ins > XNurbs > details > File Name.). If you don’t know where Rhino installs the plugin, you can rename the downloaded file extension from .rhi to .zip, and unzip it to the folder you specify. Alternatively, you can get a copy of “XNurbsHelp.chm” here (without the videos). If “XNurbsHelp.chm” does not show properly, then right-click on the chm file and select properties. You will see an “Unblock” option. Click on it.

SolidWork add-in

SolidWorks 2017 64-bit SP4.1 or later (83 MB. It works for SolidWorks x64 2017 SP4.1 or later, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022)

SolidWorks 2017 64-bit SP3.0 or earlier (83 MB. It works for SolidWorks x64 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017)

V6.1.1.119 is the latest version. Here is “What’s New”.

Extra efforts have been made and, without the need of any update, xNURBS SolidWork add-in should work with future SolidWorks versions in the foreseeable future, e.g., SolidWorks 2020, … SolidWorks 2030 etc.

Instructions for installing and enabling the XNurbs Add-in.

Running the downloaded “XNurbsXXXXXX.msi” from the link above will complete the installation.

For SolidWorks version before 2018, if “XNurbsXXXXXX.msi” asks VC++ 2015 or 2017 Redistributables (most users won’t need this), then download the whole package, unzip it and run “setup.exe”.

After you download and install XNurbs, you can find “XNurbsHelp.chm” under your XNurbs installation directory, which provides the detailed instruction for enabling and using the plugin. If “XNurbsHelp.chm” does not show properly, then right-click on the chm file and select properties. You will see an “Unblock” button. Click on it.

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